R&D Center
The R&D Center for Equipolymers is located in Schkopau, Germany. A close relationship and cooperation among all partners -- including Manufacturing, Technical Service, Sales and Customer Service, and Supply Chain -- ensures maximum performance and success.
R&D's main areas of activity are:
PET Manufacturing Support
- Analytical support
- Quality management
- Plant de-bottlenecking
- Trouble shooting
Customer Service and Support
- Material introduction
- Training
- Method development
- Trouble shooting
- Technical and analytical Support and assistance
Product and Process Development
- Chemical recycling
- “Next generation PET”
- New catalyst systems
- Reduced AA regeneration
R&D applies its strong competencies in
- Analytics
- PET processing and applications
- Material fundamentals
- PET synthesis
- Material science
- Product and process research
In addition to direct customer support, R&D lab capabilities are also available for public service -- customer and non-customer related. This can include
- Analytical and technical support
- PET processing and applications
- Processing tests
- Analytical testing
- Round-robin tests
- Method development
- Training